This is a mock up of my double page spread. I have decided to do my double page spread this way as I feel that it is a clear and effective layout. I chose to use the whole of the right hand page for the photo and use the left page for the main article. Above the photo there will be a small caption to tell the reader about the person in the photo.
I chose to place a pull quote at the top of the left page above the article as it will give the reader an idea of what the article consists of. This pull quote wiil be written in a large, bold text with a jagged outline around it so it will be eye catching and the reader's eye will be drawn to it when they turn to that page.
Underneath the pull quote, in a text box will be an introduction to the article, which be in a smaller size of font but will still be bold, under that will be the main article itself. The text in the article will be written in black and will be aligned to the left in columns, as it is what you expect to see in an article, it also makes the page look more organised. This text will also be a smaller size than the pull quote and wont be as bold. At the bottom of the left page I have once again placed the name of the magazine to keep it consistent so that it carries on from the contents page.
The colour scheme of this double page spread will also be black, white and red which makes it consistent and will carry on from the front cover and the contents page. I think the reader will appreciate the fact that the colour scheme is the same on each of the pages.
Erica Swaby
Again great analysis